Openvidu over VPN; Problem to get the actual coturnIp


I’m developing a web app using the webcomponent and openvidu server.

The connection between the web browser and openvidu server is through VPN GlobalProtect so, such as openvidu documentation say, I have to enable the openvidu server machine port 3478 in the VPN.

To prove this I’m using your tutorials apps, specifically openvidu-hello-word and openvidu-webcomponent (it’s easier for me). In the console log messages I can see this:

STUN/TURN server IP: x.x.x.x
OpenViduLogger.ts:222 TURN temp credentials [xxxxx:xxxxx]

But this server IP is the GlobalProtect Ip no the coturn Ip.

I’ve inspect the openvidu-browser-2.19.0.js and openvidu-browser-2.21.0.js code and this information is getting by OpenVidu Server RPC protocol joinRoom method but why the coturnIp field is set to the GlobalProtect server.

I deployed the openvidu server with docker in ubuntu 20.04 and only configurated the .env file.

Do I need to do another kind of configuration??

Thanks in advance.


Hello @lu15

Go to /opt/openvidu/.env and add this to your .env file and add this parameter:


Check if this works for you


Thanks Carlos

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