Openvidu.webhook.headers format for AWS

Hi. What is the correct format for openvidu.webhook.headers when deploying on AWS?

I’m following the steps here… OpenVidu Docs

It works fine with openvidu.webhook disabled, but I can’t get the stack to create with webhook enabled.

I have openvidu.webhook.headers set to [\"Authorization:\ ###\"] and set to recordingStatusChanged. And of course openvidu.webhook.endpoint set to my apps endpoint. I’m able to use this endpoint when testing in Postman. I’m also able to use these same param values when using the dev docker container locally.



Can you share with us openvidu-server logs to see what is the difference between development docker image and AWS deployment?

Hi Micael. I got it working by using just Authorization: ### for the webhook headers value (no brackets or quotes). Maybe the docs need to be updated?


Thank you for reporting. We will update it.

The docs are still not updated, I had the same issue until I found this post.
However, the solution here is not the solution for on-premise.

I had to write


instead of


Updated, thank you for reporting.