Webhook question - no useful information?

I am doing this for version OpenVidu version 2.15.0.


It works, I get a hit when someone makes a call which is good, but it doesn’t pass any useful information to my endpoint. Why? Is there a way to get it to also send who is calling? I mean the inspector’s Active Sessions shows who and what, why is that info not sent too with the webhook?

You have the very same information in both the REST API (which is the data endpoint used by the Inspector) and the CDR/WebHook events.
For example, the participantJoined event has all the info about it (Connection objects in the REST API entities): OpenVidu Docs
Same for every webrtc connection (publishers and subscribers in the REST API entities): OpenVidu Docs

Thanks, so I enabled OPENVIDU_CDR=true in my .env. It works, all activity is logged to my log directory of /opt/openvidu/cdr in JSON format. thats great. But thats still on the server, the JSON log data is not part of the webhook call. So when someone tries to call, I get a webhook hit to my external PHP script, but it has no posted data still. its just a notice that something happened, but I don’t even know what. I have to somehow build a solution to check this JSON log file at /opt/openvidu/cdr to find out what happened now? Why? Wouldn’t the info be posted with the webhook hit?

Am I missing something? I mean you said “You have the very same information in both the REST API… and the CDR/WebHook events” - then where is it in the webhook? when I look at the posted variables from the webhook hit/event I see no information at all, including no CDR log data that I want.

CDR and WebHook serve the very same information into two different places. The documentation explains everything. The CDR generates a log file with the information, the webhook allows you to react in real time from your application’s server side.

Thanks, I figured it out. The JSON is not posted as a POST variable, you just read the HTTP stream directly. All great.