How to Handle Retry for OpenVidu Webhook Failures


I am currently working with OpenVidu’s webhook service, which sends HTTP POST requests to a specified endpoint (OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT). However, I have noticed that if the endpoint fails to respond with a 200 OK, the webhook is not retried. This leads to potential data loss if the endpoint is temporarily unavailable.

I am looking for recommendations or best practices to handle this issue. Specifically:

  1. Is there a way to configure retries for webhook failures in OpenVidu?

  2. If not, what are some alternative approaches (e.g., using a message queue, proxy server, or other middleware) to ensure that webhook data is not lost due to transient issues on the endpoint?

  3. Are there any existing tools or patterns commonly used to handle webhook retries effectively with OpenVidu?

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

What version are you using? AFAIK 2.30.0 has a retry webhook logic. Is not configurable, but internall in the source code.