in our use case with individual recording (and build final video with ffmpeg) it is important to have a constant video resolution. We want to change degradationPreference from “balanced” to “maintain-resolution”. We checked the openvidu-browser code to find a possible solution - but we are stuck.
Is it possible to change sender parameters with original openvidu-browser version?
We found the relavant code lines - but we have no idea where to inject parameters without changing openvidu-browser code:
tc = this.pc.addTransceiver(track, tcInit);
if (!(track.kind === 'video')) return [3, 5];
sendParams = tc.sender.getParameters();
needSetParams = false;
if (!((_g = sendParams.degradationPreference) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.length)) {
if (['detail', 'text'].includes(track.contentHint)) {
sendParams.degradationPreference = 'maintain-resolution';
else {
sendParams.degradationPreference = 'balanced';
logger.info("[createOffer] Video sender Degradation Preference set: ".concat(sendParams.degradationPreference));
needSetParams = true;
if (this.configuration.simulcast) {
if (((_h = sendParams.encodings) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.length) !== tcInit.sendEncodings.length) {
sendParams.encodings = tcInit.sendEncodings;
needSetParams = true;