Is there a way to set the resolution for the openvidu-webcomponent via a method call or via ovSettings?

Is there a way to set the resolution for the openvidu-webcomponent via a method call or via ovSettings?

Currently when I call the POST api/sessions with the recordingMode set to ALWAYS and the resolution set to 640x480 and the defaultRecordingLayout = BEST_FIT

If the participant connects with a page that is using the openvidu-webcomponent it starts recording at 1920x1080

If I change the recordingMode to MANUAL and then kick off the recording manually with the resolution set at 640x480 it works as expected.

As mentioned is there a way to set the resolution on the openvidu-webcomponent via a method call or via ovSettings ?
webComponent.sessionConfig = { sessionName, user, tokens, ovSettings };

The problem here is that ALWAYS recording mode will record by default at FullHD and audio+video, and this cannot be changed right now. But it has nothing to do with the Webcomponent: it works that way in any OpenVidu setup.

If you want to tweak the resolution or the presence of audio and/or video, then you will have to go with MANUAL recording mode, which does allow it.

Thanks for the clarification on this.
The manual recording will work just fine since the REST API will inform me that the 2nd participantJoined and then I can just call the api/recordings/start on that session .

We plan to add the feature to configure recording resolution on automatic recording in the near future

Yes I believe that would be helpful to many.
I know I was confused by the fact that the resolution settings were not being respected if recordingMode was set to AUTO when creating a session.