Recorded video not adaptive


I have an app that record the openvidu call. I start a session with te following json POST /api/sessions/ {"defaultOutputMode":"COMPOSED","defaultRecordingLayout":"BEST_FIT","customSessionId":"XHXBK1YAKFV4","recordingMode":"MANUAL"}.

To start recording I POST /openvidu/api/recordings/start receiving this response {"id":"XHXBK1YAKFV4-1","object":"recording","name":"XHXBK1YAKFV4-1","outputMode":"COMPOSED","resolution":"320x240","recordingLayout":"BEST_FIT","sessionId":"XHXBK1YAKFV4","createdAt":1614694542318,"size":0,"duration":0.0,"url":null,"hasAudio":true,"hasVideo":true,"status":"started"}.

Unfortunately the file I save does not fit the resolution 320x240 I set when I start recording. The video is cut in half not showing the left size of the image. Is there a way to make the video adaptive to the size set? Is there something I am missing?
