Hi there!
I’m trying to deploy dockerized openvidu server onto existing set of other containers. Setup based on openvidu/openvidu-server & kurento/kurento-media-server images only is in my docker-compose file.
Every single tutorial i’ve checked so far instructs to use nginx (namely openvidu/openvidu-proxy) as a gateway before all the other components coordinated by openvidu. But I don’t have a need for that, because I have already one – jwilder/nginx-proxy – which does an awesome job of automated reverse proxy configs for every new container added. Current setup is such that every service is tight with another by means of common default network created by docker. In conjunction with jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion image based container the job for obtaining certificates for all the virtual host I have in my stack of containers is done in automatted manner.
So I just would like to integrate openvidu stack in the same way that other services around all together on the same host machine.
Is it possible not using “network_mode: host” for openvidu related services but rather take the common default docker network?
If so what is the most appropriate architecture I should implement?