Deploying with a custom reverse proxy? (Traefik)

Hello, I would like to evaluate OpenVidu for a commercial use case.

My current server setup is based on Traefik and I want Traefik to manage my Letsencrypt encryption.

I am following

Is it possible to completely disable SSL so that I can manually configure Traefik to serve the “openvidu/openvidu-proxy:4.0.0” container on a certain domain and port?

Also … all the servers in the docker-compose.yml seem to be configured using network_mode: host. It is possible to use docker-compose networking and only expose the http port?

Hello @Rush,

We have never disabled NGINX to use other proxies, but you can try it yourself. But as we do not have any experience with Traefik we won’t be able to help you in the process.

Containers use network_mode: host because Kurento Media Server needs access to a great range of machine ports for WebRTC.

Best regards

Thanks @micael.gallego

To anybody having a similar issue. Disable the proxy service and using the openvidu server directly did the trick. The proxy is not useful for anything.

The proxy is useful for people which don’t want to care about nginx or other reverse proxy related stuff and just deploy its own application… In fact you can deploy openvidu apps really easily just by deploying your app at port 5442 and everything is configured automatically. It just does not fit your use case…


For sure. Sorry for saying “not useful for anything”. :slight_smile: I can definitely see it being useful to others. Sorry @cruizba

No problem :slight_smile:
