How can I deploy OpenVidu 2.13 if ports are busy?

I want to switch to version 2.13, since it is easier to deploy. But unfortunately on my server ports 80, 443, 6379 are busy. Can you help me?

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I also like to use 4443 port as before, instead of 443 port. I have SSL certificate. Can I set openvidu.publicurl for production?

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We are working on allowing defining the port in properties file .env

PORT=4443 in .env would be really nice. 443 should be reserved for browser url, visible to user…

Right now you can deploy your own app behind the proxy used by OpenVidu. It is really easy and allows you to have all integrated with the same domain and same SSL certificate.

In any case, we will add a new config property to allow PORT configuration in .env file.

Make advanced config for specify Redis port, please.

Redis doesn’t need to and is not exposed to the Internet in a regular OpenVidu deployment.

If you want to change the internal port used by redis, take into account that this won’t be configurable in the .env file. Public port is reasonable that may be changed from the global config, but if you want certain specific internal port not to be used by the redis, you will have to adapt the docker-compose file yourself (shouldn’t be complicated)

Thanks Pablo. I understand

A naive question: is it possible to run two NGINX on a machine, listening to different ports, one inside of docker, one outside? We have apps that are managed by NGINX to manage video recordings for example.

Yes. You can do it.

In fact, when you deploy OpenVidu 2.13 you have two NGINXs. The main one, managing the certificates and the second one, to serve OpenVidu call. Both dockerized.

In 2.13, the main NGINX is listen on 80 and 443. The app NGINX is listen in 5442.

In 2.14 you will be change the port where main NGINX is listening.


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How we configure kurento media server port . On previous versions there was array for kms_urls
i have read in some post that the property is there but when i run
docker run --name openvidu -p 4443:4443 --rm -e openvidu.secret=MY_SECRET -e kms_urls=[“ws://localhost:8887/kurento”] openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:latest

2020-05-05 09:39:12,655 DEBG ‘openvidu-server’ stdout output:
[INFO] 2020-05-05 09:39:12,655 [EventExec-e2-t0] io.openvidu.server.kurento.kms.KmsManager - Kurento Client “connected” event for KMS ws://localhost:8888/kurento [org.kurento.client.KurentoClient@521181e7]

Great. I set up another NGINX, among several services, it listens to 5442, and forward to a folder that contains our main web page. Now our main page is on 443! I don’t need to wait for 2.14 any more. Cheers :slight_smile:

That was the original idea. Glad to hear that is working for you.

Hi, how exactly did you do that? I.e.: which nginx (running on host or within docker) config file did you set to what port and purpose? Thanks!

nginx on host (ubuntu 16.04 in my case) and normal settings, just don’t listen on 443 or 80.

if so, then I don’t understand how your main page is served over 443. Did you somehow modify OpenVidu’s 443 nginx to serve your page? what else did you set?

read above. the nginx inside docker listens to 443, and forward to 5442, my nginx listens to 5442, forwards to a folder.