'No input source set' on a machine without media devices

Hi guys,

I read in 2.14.0 changelog, that

Join a session without media devices: OpenVidu Call didn’t allow users join a session if they didn’t have a working camera and microphone. This proved to be too restrictive, so now users without media devices can still join a session to at least see and hear other participants.

but when I join a room without having camera and microphone, I get error:

No video or audio devices have been found. Please, connect at least one.

What do I miss?

You need at least one device (video or audio) to start a call.
Maybe the changelog notes is a little bit confuse. It’s talking about old OpenVidu call versions didn’t allow join into room without camera and mic. Now you can join just with a camera or only with a mic, but it needs at least one media device.

Ah, I see, so it rather means “users without one of the media devices”. Thanks for clarification!

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