No connection to OpenVidu Server. This may be a certificate error

In OpenVidu 2.15.1 it is not necessary to renew letsencrypt, it is atuomatically updated. From versions <2.14.0 it is necessary to renew it by hand.

Anyways, if you’re using version 2.15.1 You just need to start OpenVidu with your email for letsencrypt (LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<your_email>) and your certificate type (CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt) configured in your .env file. This will create a folder in /opt/openvidu/certificates with all the files necessary when you execute ./openvidu start
So, if you’re certificate it’s not working right now:

  1. Remove your folder opt/openvidu/certificates
  2. Ensure that your .env file has the properties CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<your_email>.
  3. Ensure that you don’t have any other service running in the background at port 80
  4. Restart OpenVidu
