iOS native app remote video issue

Hi Team,
I have downloaded your sample application, and I have also replaced my server URL there.
Local video streaming is showing properly but, I am unable to view remote video streaming.
On the web, we are able to see the remote video from iOS. but not able to see the remote video from web to iOS.
Technically, In RTCPeerConnectionDelegate method I am not getting “remotePeer” event just like “localPeer” event when participants joined the call.

The below method is not working for the remote peer.

func peerConnection(_ peerConnection: RTCPeerConnection, didAdd stream: RTCMediaStream) {

  if peerConnection == self.localPeer {

        print("local peerConnection did add stream")
    } else {

        print("remote peerConnection did add stream")
        if (stream.audioTracks.count > 1 || stream.videoTracks.count > 1) {
            print("Weird looking stream")

Kindly please reply.

What sample application have you downloaded?

I have downloaded the following demo app.

Thanks for the responce.

Have you read the note in the README?

Sorry, my bad,
Ok, then I will contact you through or to get it.

Thank you.

You are welcome.

This is an old example and we maintain it just for historial reasons. But it is not usable.

Best regards