i need to make one to many android java app
can you help me to follow an easy steps?
The manager need to see employees and employees can see manager
But emplyees can’t see each other.
I have tried it but i don’t understand how to get the ip of the mobile android device
Can you help me until i reach to the goal
Why do you (think that you) need the IP of the mobile Android device? You don’t need to know any client’s IP address for your goal.
Please be patient i am new here,i don’t understand the part of ip,why we should get the ip of computer,
The users will use only mobile devices
OpenVidu platform needs to be installed on a server where all the mobile clients will connect. This is the only IP that is needed. The example assumes that OpenVidu will be installed on your PC, but it can also be installed somewhere else.
1.You mean that the manager must work from computer and can’t work from mobile?
The app idea is:
The manager need to see employees and employees can see manager
But emplyees can’t see each other.
2.the server can be firebase?
Trust me that I’m really trying to help here, but you sound pretty confused about what I’m talking about.
Forget for now your user story and take it step by step until you can run properly the OpenVidu tutorials.
First you need to understand the OpenVidu topology (basic client–server).
Start with the simplest tutorial: https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/tutorials/openvidu-hello-world/
Don’t bother with the code, just with the steps to successfully run the docker container and test the example app on your localhost.
If you manage to do this then you have just run a local OpenVidu server that can also be accessed from an Android device in the same LAN.
Then you can proceed to the OpenVidu Android tutorial. Now everything should be more familiar, running the docker container but with the local IP.
After you run the OpenVidu docker container you can start configuring the Android app. Not trying to discourage you but for native Android development you will be pretty much on your own, you can receive limited help here on the forum but its not guaranteed as the focus is on Ionic hybrid mobile development framework.
After you successfully run the example Android app you can start digging into the code. Then after everything is clear you can go back to your user story.
Good luck!
Ok I’ll follow your steps and can i tell you what I reached from 24 to 48 hours ,
Please keep supporting me,
You haven’t told me is the host can be on firebase?
I don’t think that you can, you should look into Google Cloud Platform for this.
1.I don’t know even the keywords that i should search for can you help?
2.Let’s say the company that need this application have 4 branches “4managers” and every branch
Has 20 employees and every manager need only contact his employees,can the one server serve all the branches teams?
3.and the one branch has more than one team and every team is contacting with team leader in the same time,and customer service contact with customers that is not in the same building can this one server serve all this operations?
I am confused from the sentence of the mobile need to be on the same network of computer is this for debug mode only ?
it giving me this logcat error:
2020-09-11 15:43:44.079 11742-11857/io.openvidu.openvidu_android E/SessionActivity:
Error POST /api/sessions
***failed to connect to / (port 4443) from / (port 34347)***
after 10000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:185)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:129)
Please help ,thanks:heart:
hi thanks for the help,but i faced that the link that you commented with is talking about Linux/OSX in the most important part ,can you follow my situation and help me,
thanks so much.
Hi @franziz ,
If every one stopped learning Because of the frustrated people that do not help and reduce the anxiety , everyone feels failure and weakness, so I will make my effort to learn more by helping of those who are not tired of encouraging others who create happiness without tirelessness or boredom,and i will be thankful by trying to be like them and I’ll help others
Hi Ayman,
I believe OpenVidu is for expert that already in WebRTC for a long time. This product is not for beginner. You need to learn WebRTC basic to be able deploy this solution on-prem.
However, I can offer you Tokbox. This solution is for someone that has 0 knowledge about WebRTC and server. You do not need to install and Media Server.
Please understand that every product has learning curve. And OpenVidu is not for starter. You need to find something that for starter like you. Tokbox will be the solution.
I am not aginst helping someone. I would like to help. But, you are coming from different skill set. There are tons of guide in WebRTC. Please search from Google.
Again, for quick start, please go to tokbox.com. They have plenty of resources for someone that don’t want manage any servers.
Hope you understand my point of view. Please try tokbox.com instead of OpenVidu.
OpenVidu team already explains a lot for server deployment and configuration. They are expert.
and i am an android develop and i worked on sql server,sqllite,firestore servers and i need to learn more,
If you try to help read my current situation and give me steps
This is my current situation:
Just a quick check. Are you running your android app in the same network ad OpenVidu server?
It seems you are not able to connect to OpenVidu server located in your local machine.
Yes ,two of them are connected to one wifi connection.