How do you pronounce OpenVidu

Hello community members,

My name is Peter. I started using OpenVidu about a week ago and am still new to it. I am so excited that I found this cool software and a video call app can be built so easily.

As a newbie, I have simple questions.

  1. How do you pronounce OpenVidu?
  2. Is Vidu a short for something? If so, what is it?

Thank you in advance.


Welcome to OpenVidu community @Peter_Sigma

Vidu comes from Esperanto:

It means “video” or “see” or something related with that :wink:

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Thank you for the answer! I didn’t think it came from Esperanto!

And “Kurento” (media server inside OpenVidu) means “Stream” in Esperanto :wink:

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Good to know too!

it precisely means the verb »see!« as an order (imperative, or more precisely “volitive” because it’s also used for subjonctive)

The word for ”stream” in esperanto is “fluo” (or “fluu” for the imperative verb, like vidu), and “kurento” means current (an electrical stream)

Good that it doesn’t come from catalan… :sweat_smile: