Elasticsearch and Kibana are now business risks

Kibana and Elasticsearch v7.11 onwards are switching to SSPL license, effectively making it business risk. See Elasticsearch and Kibana are now business risks - {anonymous => 'hash'};

What are the alternatives then? Can OpenVidu probably switch to a data provider based model, where it is possible for developers to implement their own data persistence layer?


Elasticsearch and Kibana can be used externally. You can use OpenDistro for example, which in essence, is OpenSource. Elasticseach and Kibana are recommended to be used externally. The reason of deploying one next to OpenVidu in our official installations processes is just to configure easily the deployment.

If you want to go for a production environment, you should use an external one. OpenDistro is compatible with OpenVidu.

And even for ELKs deployed in a private host along OpenVidu Pro, its use case is clearly out of scope of the restrictions of the new license agreement. OpenVidu is not using Elastic technology as the core of its services (Elastic capabilites are not offered to final clients, they are used for monitoring purposes for the owner of the OpenVidu Pro deployment), and more importantly it is using “as they are” the official Docker Elastic images, without any modification. All of the Elastic technology integrated in OpenVidu Pro is accessible by anyone.

Hope these answers have solved your doubts. Cheers.


@pabloFuente thanks for the clarification. In abundance of caution, we will be using OpenDistro for our production environments.
