Hi cruizba,
my problem is still alive - but I have new knowledge about the problem. Maybe we can bring it to a solution.
- I am using OpenVidu 2.22.0 with your external COTURN
- Web-App (with browser API) connecting to Web-App works fine!
- COTURN (if I user external connection) works also fine
I only have problems with our Android-App:
- internal network (no COTURN needed)
- connecting from Android-App to Web-App
- Websocket works fine, I see participants, I can send chat messages
- BUT video/audio does not work on both sides!
- browser API gives me a noStreamPlayingEventExceptionTimeout warning
- OpenVidu server gives the following error [INFO] 2022-07-14 08:55:29,172 [AbstractJsonRpcClientWebSocket-reqResEventExec-e2-t55] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipantEndpointConfig - KMS event [IceComponentStateChange]: → endpoint: str_CAM_UnyI_con_XmIiCTRQiD (publisher) | state: FAILED | componentId: 2 | streamId: 1 | timestamp: 1657788929171
I found no errors in code or on server, so I compiled your android demo app:
- OpenVidu android demo app works fine - with video and audio - even from external location
But my android app has been working all the time - it stopped working with upgrade from 2.19 to 2.20 - so I did the following:
- change the openvidu image in docker-compose.yml back to 2.20.0
- put the code blocks with customIceServers and sdkVersion back to comment
And viola - my android app is sending and receiving video again.
What can cause this strange behaviour?
(What else change from 2.20 to 2.21 can cause this problem?)