CloudFormation of OpenVidu CE fails

I’m following the docs for an AWS deployment of OpenVidu CE, but the deployment always fails at “CloudFormationLambdaInvoke” with a “CREATE FAILED” status.

Unfortunately, I can’t figure out how to see any relevant logs in CloudWatch, so I don’t know how to debug this any further. The referenced log stream doesn’t show up in any log group.

Here’s a screenshot of the issue:

I adjusted the official CF-OpenVidu-2.29.0.yaml file so the CloudformationLambdaRole policy allows the lambda function to log to CloudWatch. I am getting logs in CloudWatch now, though the error logs don’t look helpful to me:

What region are you deploying?

The lambda makes a copy of the original AMI in the region where it is being deployed. Check if you have any new AMI in your region. If there is, remove it and try to deploy again.

I was trying to deploy in us-east-2. There is no 2.29 AMI in that region showing up for me. I think this is where things failed in the cloud-formation script.

I went back one version and used the 2.28 cloud-formation file and that actually worked. (And I now have an 2.28 AMI in my region.)

Hello @ErikW

It’s really weird, I’ve tested in a brand-new AWS account and the AMI copy is working fine in us-east-2

1. Copying

2. AMI Copied

The original AMI ID from eu-west-1 is ami-0e044e40c688b2820

Please check if the AMI is wrongly copied in your region or in a bad status, remove it, and try to deploy again.