Changing assets on opv-session component


This may be a naive question; I wanted to understand that how to change default assets (images mainly) on OV dialog (join, session) with specific branded ones? Can I pass those as part of params?

Thanks much!

There is no such parameters.

You have to edit the source code of the library and change them.


I’m also using the OpenVidu angular component and I want to customize its visual appearance, could you please tell me what is the code of the Angular component that I should rebuild ?. I think it is this: but I’m not sure. If so, is there any recommendation or instruction guide to compile and import it into another angular project?

Thanks in advance


If you’re talking about openvidu-angular NPM library,yes, the code base is openvidu-call.
You can check the app structure that allows customize it ease.

From docs version 2.15.0 onwards (to be released very soon) you can find how build this library in developing OpenVidu section