I deployed OpenVidu Pro on AWS using the new 2.12.0 cloudformation template. The cloudformation template runs without any issues. It creates an OpenVidu server and also an initial KMS server. I can access the inspector after the cloud formation template completes. However, the KMS server is not available under the “Cluster” section of the inspector.
I also tried adding a new media node via the inspector. The inspector shows the new node but its state is stuck at “launching” and never changes. I verified that the media node is in fact up and running, however, the inspector still shows the node state as “launching”.
I checked the logs on the OpenVidu server and found that OpenVidu is unable to “auto discover” the KMS server. The logs show that OpenVidu tries repeatedly to auto discover the server, but never finds it. I’m not sure why this is happening. Both the OpenVidu server and the KMS server live within the same VPC and the same subnet/
Any ideas on what could be happening here?