Inspector doesn't work perfectly

Hello. I have just created the new 2.12.0 OpenVidu Pro version on the AWS cloudformation.
But when I check the inspector, I couldn’t see the KMS instances on the “cluster” section.
If I click the “New Media Node” button, just new KMS instances is running.
But couldn’t see the KMS instances in the inspector.

Looking forward to your good reply.
Thanks. Regards.

Are you using the updated version from:

Yes. I use the latest version teamplate.

Did you create a vpc? How are your subnets configured.

Please, could you send the content of this command?:

journalctl -u openvidu > openvidu.log

Best regards

One more question:

Did KMS appear running in the ec2 dashboard? If yes, maybe the autodiscover button will update the available KMS.

Yes. I have created a VPC and Subnet manually.
And how can I send the openvidu.log file. How download it?
Seems like the file is very big.

Best Regards.

Can you use the default VPC for now? To check if the problem is the vpc.

The creation of a VPC is not an easy task manually and some errors can be done while creating it. To create a new VPC please use one of the oficial CF templates that AWS offers, and deploy OpenVidu in a public subnet:

You can send the log to

But I could create new KMS instance on the cluster page of inspector.
Just can’t see the running KMS instances on the inspector page.

I’m having the exact same issue. The KMS instance is up and running and I verified that it’s available. Both the OpenVidu node and the media node are running in the same VPC and the same public subnet. However, the openvidu.log file shows that the OpenVidu node attempts to auto discover the media node but doesn’t find anything.

When I click the “auto discover” button in the inspector, my node appears but then suddenly disappears from the list. Not sure what the problem is?

See the attached image. The media nodes appear when I hit “auto discover” but an error is show in the bottom right corner of the screen. After the error is show the media servers disappear from the list.