Zipping procees affecting CPU

Hi everyone!
How expensive in terms of CPU usage is zipping process?
For example there is two active sessions at the same time and both are recorded in invidiual way. Then one session is finished and OV starts zipping it’s video files. Won’t this archiving process touch CPU usage too much and affect second session, that is still in process?
Thank you

Zipping files can consume some CPU if the compression is very high. We have not really worried about it until now because we have not experienced neither serious problems with it nor worring CPU spikes that might be caused by this reason. Right now it is done right away after the recording has stopped, but if you see that for a very busy machine the CPU usage just after stopping a INDIVIDUAL recording grows too much, we can study the possibility of

  1. Only compressing files after the CPU reaches a safe value
  2. Manually limitting the CPU percentage available for the “zip” command


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Hi Pablo!

Thank you for detailed asnwer!

We didn’t experience this case so far, but we are looking for all possible problems with CPU high usage so this is very interesting question. I think both of possibilites you mentonied are very cool and it would be great to have any of them!


I’ve already added this topic to our roadmap so we don’t forget about it. Thanks for your suggestions.

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