Video is not loading

Finding hard to implement own video in react.
Session has been created and subscribed but the video is not playing

Can any one help???

function Subscribe(argOVStreamInfo: any) {
    // Initialize OpenVidu and Session objects
    argOVStreamInfo.OV = new OpenVidu()
    //This is part of teh advace setting on version 2.18.0 06-11-2021
      noStreamPlayingEventExceptionTimeout: 24000,
    //argOVStreamInfo.OV.getUserMedia('resolution': '1280x720', 'frameRate':'1'); //08-12_2020 It was for testing.

    sessionRef.current = argOVStreamInfo.OV.initSession()

    sessionRef.current.on('streamCreated', (event: any) => {
      // Subscribe to the Stream to receive it. Second parameter is undefined
      // so OpenVidu doesn't create an HTML video by its own
      var subscriber = sessionRef.current.subscribe(, undefined) = argOVStreamInfo.cameraName
      if (videoRef.current) {

      // When the HTML video starts playing...
      subscriber.on('streamPlaying', () => {
        // ...remove loader
        var cameraVideoElement = subscriber.videos[0].video
        // ... mute video if browser blocked autoplay
        // this.autoplayMutedVideoIfBlocked(cameraVideoElement)
        //  commented on 10/19/2020 argOVStreamInfo.OV.getUserMedia('resolution': '480X272', 'frameRate':'1'); //09-17_2020 It was for testing.
      // On every Stream destroyed...
      sessionRef.current.on('streamDestroyed', () => {
        // Remove the stream from 'subscribers' array
        // this.deleteSubscriber(

      //Added this on Feb 22-2021 because the network was generating lost of reconnect.
      sessionRef.current.on('reconnected', () => {
        // Subscribe to the Stream to receive it. Second parameter is undefined
        // so OpenVidu doesn't create an HTML video by its own
        /* var subscriber = sessionRef.current.subscribe(, undefined);
       = argOVStreamInfo.cameraName;
                //var subscribers = argOVStreamInfo.subscribers;

                var subscribers = this.state.subscribers;
                console.log(" Subscribe : after reconnect happend,  the number of subscribers are " + subscribers.length);

                // Update the state with the new subscribers
                    subscribers: subscribers,
      }) //end of on reconnected
      sessionRef.current.on('sessionDisconnected', (event: any) => {
        if (event.reason === 'networkDisconnect') {
        } else {
        //we do reconnect here if we lost our connection to the server.

      sessionRef.current.on('exception', (exception: any) => {
        //console.log("Exception data is " +;
        //console.log("I got exception and will try to reconnect");
        // this.handleClickOpenErrorDialog()
        //None of these worked, it put more stress on the backend
        //This one also caused a loop of error and the stress on the backend.

    //Here we connect to the stream.

  function doConnect(argOVStreamInfo: any) {
    // Connect to session. We will receive all necessary events when success

    if (
      argOVStreamInfo != null &&
      argOVStreamInfo != undefined &&
      argOVStreamInfo.token != null
    ) {
      sessionRef.current.connect(argOVStreamInfo.token).catch((error: any) => {
        var msg =
          'ERROR:  There was an error connecting to the session. Code2: ' +
          error.code +
          '. Message: ' +
    } else {
      if (argOVStreamInfo.token != null) {
  } //end of doConnect.

  return <video controls autoPlay muted ref={videoRef} />