Video connection does not work in Safari


If your device is rejected in Safari browser
safari browser only
Other users’ videos are not linked.

  1. safari

  2. opera

  3. chrom


  • react
  • 2.16 openvidu-browser

Source Code
import React, { useState, useEffect } from “react”;

export const OvVideoComponent = (props) => {

let videoRef = React.createRef();

useEffect(() => {
    // console.log(props.user);
    // console.log(videoRef);

    if (props && props.user.streamManager && !!videoRef) {
        // if (props.type == "pip") {
        //     videoRef.current.defaultMuted = props.mutedSound;
        //     videoRef.current.muted = props.mutedSound;
        // }

return (
            id={'video-' + props.user.getStreamManager().stream.streamId}


export default OvVideoComponent;

Safari has some strict autoplay features for video elements. These restrictions are gone when the page is accessing the mic/camera, that’s why they are playing correctly when the webcam is used by the page. And that’s probably why it is not working the same when not accesing the webcam. You should handle the playing of the video in a way that chaces of successful autoplay are increased. There is lots of information online. For example, take a look at this: Autoplay Best Practices with Video.js | Video.js Blog