Session Length Limit?

We have an issue where some people do not close their session. Is there a way we can implement a max session limit or perhaps just schedule a restart of the OV instance at midnight? Any suggestions?

i am confused are you talking about sessions duration limits or anything else.

Yes, similar to max call duration in a VOIP application. We’d like to set something like a max session duration of 240 minutes.

currently its not in openvidu but i think you have do it yourself by triggering a function by storing all session creation time .And run trigger after creation time + your duration for remove the session.Its more nice so can also trace everyuser duration.

Yes, that’s right. There’s not a “built-in” max-session duration feature, but you can of course control it yourself and close the session in your application’s backend once the time limit is reached.

Sorry, but I don’t know why do you need that. I mean, if they are over 4 hours in a meeting, what’s the problem? if there is users connected to the session the session will keep open, and I think that’s right. But, if nobody is connected to the session for a while (less than 5 minutes) the session will be closed by the server.

BTW, there is a createdAt in the session object, so you can use it to close after X time, but, again, I don’t know why do you need to do that.

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