I realized that I get screen-sharing working only once in session. What I mean is that it’s possible to choose tab or application or whatever and show all the session, but it’s not possible to stop and start again (the screen-sharing appears grey for the remote users from the second screen-sharing). I has been testing it in different deployed openvidu architectures?
Is this supposed to work like that? Is this a limitation or maybe is something going wrong which is possible to debug?
Thanks in advance,
OpenVidu Call has a bug showing this effect. But other demos/tutorials shouldn’t be affected.
We have just updated a new OpenVidu Call version in master without this issue https://github.com/OpenVidu/openvidu-call. We plan to publish a new release in the following days.
If the issue is present in other demo/tutorial, please let us know.
I was updating my front (based in openvidu-call) to openvidu-browser.2.12.0 and updating openvidu-node-client, openvidu-server and kms as well. The problem continues to exist. So, I will check the openvidu call new version carefully to look how adapt my front. And I will give feedback 
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Downloading the new openvidu-call version and checking it in local with docker etc the second screensharing in session bug is solved
I will try to reproduce this behavior in my pre-production architecture (with back-end and openvidu server deployed in ubuntu).
Trying OVCall 2.12.0 which is deployed with OV 2.13 dockerized is still with this problem regarding the second screensharing in a session. It allows to make bigger screen-sharing (the OV Call 2.11 version wasn’t) but the remote publisher still see grey the second screen-sharing.
The local test is not useful, so when I will be able to try OV Call 2.14.0 in VM, I will check the second screen-sharing feature and I will give feedback.