Screen share while being in Media Session

We want to test if “ScreenShare” feature while being in media ( Audio / Video) session

Lets take a use case with Two Participants being on either Audio or Video Call.

We want to check if OV supports Screen Sharing when both the participants are on either Audio / Video call. So while being the Audio / Video call, if one of the user wants to share their Screen, can they both continue to be in the the Audio / Video call session while doing screen sharing OR will Screen Share replace / tear down the ongoing media (audio / video) session ?


openvidu-browser currently only supports sending one video (from camera or from screenshare). But some applications implement a workaround over this limitation creating two OpenVidu-browser in the browser simulating two users. One openvidu-browser is used for camera and the another one for screenshare.

You can see this “pattern” in the OpenVidu Call demo application and in the web component.


Thanks Michael, I’ll look into this.