publisherStartSpeaking not being triggered in Safari IOS


I am trying to change camera based on who is speaking in my Safari IOS browser.

Currently the event publisherStartSpeaking is not being triggered.

Is there any way I could look into the subscriber object to see who is speaking if that event can’t work?



Do you have the same problem in Chrome in desktop? Just to know if there is a bug or something in Safari in iOS.

No just in Safari IOS

Can you share a working project in Chrome and failing in iOS? It is better to create such sample project based on a basic tutorial.

Please can you also share browser console in Chrome (working) and Safari (not working)?

Hi Micael,

I will speak to my colleagues when they are available about sending over a working project.

In relation to the browser console, there are no errors in Safari IOS, it just won’t console log the fact it has picked up on the event:

Here i a snippet of my code:

Screenshot 2020-05-14 at 17.32.36.png

In the chrome console log we get: picking up on audio

However for the IOS, when looking into the console using the safari dev tools, we see no console log, and as mentioned, no errors.



Hello @MaxRiviam,

I just tested the publisherStartSpeaking event on a session between macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Safari browser (13.1) and iPhone 7 Plus (13.1.3) Safari browser and is working as expected. Both browsers (iPhone and macOS) are able to trigger the event and logs are shown.

No issues on this aspect. Please, test it enabling speaker layout (button at the top) in OpenVidu Call


Thanks Carlos, I will take another look.

Hi Carlos,

I set up an openVidu on my iphone using OpenVidu Call, and in the console I don’t seem to be getting a publisherStartSpeaking event.

My IOS is a 6s - the software version is 13.4.1

When starting a conversation with the browser this was in my output for the ios:

The streamPropertyChanged event was being triggered when the browser muted and unmuted, but when speaking no events were shown for me?



@MaxRiviam, have you enabled the speeh detection in OpenVidu Call?

Untitled Diagram (1)

Ah thank you I didn’t see that.