iOS safari mic not working - 2.14.0


I’m using openvidu-browser-2.14.0 for openVidu calling on web. Everything was working smoothly, but recently iOS Safari Mic stopped recording. Permissions and mediastreams are all fine, but other participants can not hear the iOS Safari user’s voice.

Any help will be appriciated!


It seems a hardware/software problem in the Mac side. Can you test with other video conference software?

Also… update to 2.15.0 version as we fix bugs between versions.

Hi @micael.gallego - the issue is not on mac but on iOS safari mic. Its voice is not transmitting.

We’ve verified the hardware and tested on multiple iOS devices through Safari, none of them transmitting audio to other participants.

And yes, we’re upgrading to 2.15.0 as well to see if it can help!

So we upgraded to 2.15 and issue is still there. iOS version is 13.5.1