Problem modify and build openvidu-call-front

Hello there,

First I have to tell you I am a newbie in Angular, so probable all my problems come from my poor experience, so please be patient.

I got two problems, I guess related with the version:

  1. When I user ng serve to test the changes I get a blank page, I was able to make work the first time, and after clean all my installation of angular and npm I was able to make it works again. But could be a more practical way to resolve the problem. Any of you have the same problem? It happen also with a fresh copy from git, so the problem is not related with the changes I made.

  2. If I try to build follow the documentation I got this error:

Here the version I am using:
node -v: v12.16.3
npm -v: 6.14.5
About ng: I tried to install version 6.2.9, since I see in the Readme is written that the project was made with version 6.0.1, but since I make npm install I install in the project directory version 9. I tried also to force local installation with version 6.2.9, but ng serve not start up.

Thank you for your help.

First of all, if you modify the code and you can’t run it with a ng serve command, it’s because your code is wrong. You can open de browser console and check the error, you also can check it in your shell after ng command is executed.

Secondly, I can see you’re running the project on Windows and it’s probably that the build command fails because of the paths slashes in Windows are different than Linux so you should tweak it.

I have also never used Angualr. Last week I tried downloading code and tried building it without any changes.
I had same errors like you posted on Windows.
Then I tried to build on Linux machine and could build it without any problem.

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Hello CSantosM and kamal,

many thanks both of you. I set up mixed develop environment with node and angular cli in a linux server and vcode in windows, sharing a folder, and works everything smooth!

Like a said, I am a newbie :slight_smile: … thank you again.

Cheers Antonello

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