Prerequisites of Hardware

Hi i want to use openvidu app in a production environment with 10000 participants What hardware prerequisites are needed for this case ؟


10000 participants is not a real-time low-latency scenario. I guess you are talking about 1:N streaming, where a speaker streams media to many viewers. You need HLS/RTMP streaming for this (latency between 1-10 seconds instead of WebRTC < 0.5 seconds).

Currently OpenVidu doesn’t support RTMP streaming, but we are working on it. Will probably be available in 2.16.0 as part of OpenVidu Pro tier. Stay tuned!

Also, take into account that if you divide 10.000 participants in sessions of 10 or 20, you can implement such use case with OpenVidu.


than’x micael but What hardware prerequisites are needed for this case ?