Poor recording quality on mobile devices

Hello everbody :slight_smile:

I’m using OpenVidu for the recording of video sessions. I have a a vm with 8gb and 1cpu. On desktop, the recordings are fine and the quality is very good. Even with multiple sessions recording at the same time.

But if I try to record on a mobile device (doesn’t matter if Android or iOS), the recording quality is poor, no matter if I’m connected to the local network or not.

Is there any reason, why mobile devices have a so much worse quality?

I played around with some parameters like the resolution, or with RecordingLayouts like BEST_FIT or a custom made style.

I appreciate your time and your help.

Please share with us sample files recording with a desktop browser and with a mobile browser so we can compare between them.

Also, please share with us the CPU profile of the server when recording is taking place.


Hey Micael,

thanks for your reply.

I upgraded the server to 4cpus and 16gb memory.

That did the trick for me.

Best regards

Glad to see your problem is now solved