Output for rtmp module

Hello i am trying to use the rtmp module to send a signal to a rtmp nginx server that will proxy it to the AWS elemental media live. The media live channel is receiving the signal but that stream only shows a black screen. I would like to know if there is a way to configure the video/audio codecs for the output because the elemental channel only accepts H264 and AAC, for video and audio. Thank you for your time.

In fact, libx264 is used for video and aac for audio.

We use this nginx configuration to check it in our e2e tests

worker_processes auto;
rtmp_auto_push on;
events {}
rtmp {
    server {
        listen 1935;
        listen [::]:1935 ipv6only=on;
        application live {
        	live on;
			recorder all {
				record video;
				record_path /tmp;
				record_max_size 100000K;
				record_unique on;
				record_suffix rtmp.flv;

Thank you for the quick reply. Is there a way to set this codecs, for example a a profile and level for the h264, passing parameters to the API endpoint that starts the broadcast or are they fixed? Again thank you for your time.

We are here to help, don’t worry. Thank you for posting your doubts and helping the community :slight_smile:

It is not currently possible, but it is an interesting feature.

RTMP is also tested for most common platforms like YouTube and Twitch, so we thought the configuration of the codec was commonly used.

I’ll ping the team, looks interesting to make it customizable.

cc @micael.gallego @pabloFuente @CSantosM

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