WebRTC to RTMP stream at KMS

I was trying to figure out a way to stream WebRTC stream to RTMP. While doing so I found this https://github.com/SircasticFox/kurento-rtmp

I tested it out and it works. So they basically generate a SDP file and then use ffmpeg to convert it to RTMP.

I though of trying the same with OpenVidu, but this repo uses 55000, 49120 port for video and audio streams.

I doubt that’s the case with OpenVidu, so I manually checked the open ports and found they are different and edited the SDP accordingly.

Still I’m not able convert it using ffmpeg.

My queries:

  1. As Openvidu has KMS at backend, so is this approach is feasible to stream RTMP?

  2. Any leads on how to proceed with this as I’m getting connection timed out errors with ffmpeg now.

You can fork OpenVidu and create a RtpEndpoint and send the audio and video from a participant to ffmpeg.

But OpenVidu is not ready to do it.

Is it possible to send any song RTMP ( generated with ffmpeg ) to OpenVidu as media (audio/video) source?

It is not possible currently, but the feature is in our backlog and it is scheduled for mid-time.

Thanks for replying @micael.gallego.

Is it even not possible with Kurento?
Any guide to achive using Openvidu or kurento even customising?

This feature is now included on OpenVidu since 2.26.0 version. Broadcast to YouTube/Twitch - OpenVidu Docs

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