Openvidu online radio station

Hello. Is it possible to create online radio station using OpenVidu + Kurento ?
Where can i find some info about it ?

OpenVidu is designed for audio/video calls. But you can use it to implement audio-only broadcast.

Just take a look to examples.

Right now it is possible you hit a limitation. One session in OpenVidu can not be split in several media nodes. For that reason, it is possible you have scalability issues.

We are working on allowing a session to be expanded in several media nodes.


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Thank you for the answer.
So I can’t stream without a browser client.
I wanted to make a server side publisher so that it would broadcast the tracks by itself.
Without browser at all.
NodeJS application maybe…
There is no way to broadcast by the server under the hood?

Yes, you can do it if your source is published with RTSP. Also, you can implement a “desktop” application with electron.
