Openvidu-js-java : can't leave session

I have an issue with the “openvidu-js-java” tutorial, when I leave a session, I get these errors in firefox :

  • “User couldn’t be removed from session”
  • “{“exception”:“java.lang.Exception”,“cause”:null,“error”:“User not logged”}”

The form to join a session appear but I am unable to join again the session after leaving because I get these errors in firefox :

  • “Request of TOKEN gone WRONG:”
  • “{“exception”:“java.lang.Exception”,“cause”:null,“error”:“User not logged”}”

In the “removeUser” function of SessionController when the “checkUserLogged” function is triggered, I can see that “httpSession.getAttribute(“loggedUser”) == null”,
I do not understand why actually,

can someone help me ?

Same problem using Chromium :frowning:
Same problem using openvidu-mvc-java :frowning:

httpSession.getAttribute(“loggedUser”) == null