NullPointerException on ExitSession

Hey guys,
I have seen this issue in 2.13.0 version and now in 2.15.0 version aswell. Wanted to know why this issue is caused.

After a a video call, when we try to exit session (power button icon) in browser console it shows a null pointer exception. I found this while I was trying to check why session exit event was not received on the other end.

I was using openvidu react client app.

Attached is an image of the error


Is this error appearing with the official tutorial? Is it happening 100% of the time? Are you able to reproduce it with the demos server? URL: SECRET: MY_SECRET

Hello Mic.

  1. Yes, i have used openvidu 2.15 packages
  2. Yes, it’s happening every single time
  3. I wud not be able to test to demos server because of few restrictions

Below are some details I want to share

  1. Platform: Linux/CentOS
  2. I am not using dockers as that’s not allowed
  3. Openvidu 2.15.0 (Server and ReactClient)
  4. Kurento 6.14 (Compiled for CentOS)
  5. CoTurn

Logs from OpenVidu Server


Any help on this error please or any clue at least?

Hello I think it could be related to this : Openvidu-js-java : can't leave session


I’m sorry, but this problem is caused because if the way you deployed OpenVidu. We only support the official deployments of OpenVidu (, and if you are building your own custom deployment setup, this kind of issues may appear.

I can tell you this: because of the line of the NullPointer exception (KurentoSessionManager#220) I know it must be related to the Coturn service. In a normal OpenVidu deployment, coturn service is run along openvidu-server service. There must be something wrong with it in your custom deployment.


Nothing related to that.

Okie, let me dig little deep and see what’s happening…thank you

Finally got some time to dig into this. The issue was hiredis library was not installed and Coturn was installed without it. So Coturn was not even using the Redis dB. Once I compiled Coturn with hiredis library things started to work fine

Thanks all

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