Openvidu ce 2.15.0 deployment on premises

deplyment with selfsigned certificates works but , when i choose letsencrypt , it shows error … domain name
detail: no valid ip address

Hi @Upendra_Kumar

Can you share with us your nginx logs?

First of all, I see that you’re using multiple A records for, am I wrong? To register the domain in letsencrypt, an unique A record should be in the DNS registar.


i deployed again with single A record , but it’s failed again… i have stuck here…please A record of domain i have set ip address of ubuntu server. should I do something else ? It is working with owncert option , but in that case node-client api don’t work. Please guide me sir .
Thanks for your reply.
Upendra Kumar.

Try this:

  1. Remove as root /opt/openvidu/certificates:
rm -rf /opt/openvidu/certificates
  1. Restart openvidu:
./openvidu restart

Done sir , but don’t work . and giving error.

Hi @Upendra_Kumar, I see the ip you’ve used in your domain and I think it is not valid.


It seems to be pointing to a local IP. OpenVidu should be accesed using a public ip, if not, letsencrypt can not verify your marchine. That’s why it is saying that it is not a valid IP.

I think you’re in a typical network behind a NAT. Be sure to open all ports in your router and redirect it to the machine which has OpenVidu ( and use your public ip for the domain register

Thanks sir … i will try very soon and inform you … what happens…
Good night sir.

Yes, just put your server on public internet (without NAT/PAT) just for creating the Lets Encrypt Cert. After that, put it back behind the NAT (untill your cert runs out, repeat all.).