Openvidu browser in android

can we use openvidu browser library in android app?

No, the OpenVidu Browser library is specifically designed for browser-based applications. If you’re developing a hybrid app using frameworks like Ionic or React Native, you can integrate OpenVidu using the openvidu-browser library.

However, if you intend to create a native Android app, there isn’t an official OpenVidu Android SDK. In this case, you’ll need to implement the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol to communicate with the OpenVidu server. You can find detailed information on how to do this in the OpenVidu documentation here: OpenVidu RPC Protocol.

Additionally, for guidance on building an Android app with OpenVidu integration, you can refer to the Android tutorial provided in the documentation: OpenVidu Android Tutorial. This resource will help you understand how to incorporate OpenVidu features into your native Android application.