Openvidu-browser (angular). How import a customized version in openvidu-call

Hi guys,

I am using the openvidu-call (OpenVidu Docs) as the base of my project.

I would like to add the ability to select the audio output sources. In order to do that, I have to modify the method getdevices in the file openvidu.Ts (in openvidubrowser). So my question to you is, once the change to openvidu.ts is made, how I can use my “custom” openvidubrowser instead of the one that openvidu-call use?

Thank you in advance


You just need to install the NPM package version of your custom dependency. Here it is explained how to use your local openvidu-browser version in a local NPM project: (npm link is the trick)

You can also compile your openvidu-browser version with npm pack, which will generate a tgz compield version of the library, which you can install with npm install openvidu-browser.tgz at the root of any NPM project.

Best regards.