I have used the following url to setup/deploy OpenVidu:
And then used this to deploy my application on the same server successfully:
All well and good and OV is working fine with recording. But my application has a page that lets users upload an image and this image usually has a size > 5MB which is throwing the annoying “413 Request Entity too Large” error. We know that this can be resolved by setting the value for client_max_body_size in the nginx.conf file. Since my deployed application is running with OpenVidu on the same server and OpenVidu uses it’s own Nginx, my understanding is that I need to set the above value for this Nginx. The problem I don’t know how?
I have had a look at the generated files in var/lib/docker/overlay2/…/merged/etc/nginx/nginx.conf file. I assume this is the file generated for the OV docker because when I set the value here, the upload on my site starts functioning. The problem is that this is not persistent. When I do a ./openvidu restart, I lose this setting.
I also know that in order for me set this value permanently, I will need to modify the docker-compose.yaml file in opt/openvidu but I don’t know how. I simply want the value “client_max_body_size” set so it remains persistent even after the OV restart. Is this possible?
Thank you,