My project does not work yet

I have a problem when I try to start my project on a browser it always redirects to a sign page
NB: I use JAVA
Thank you

Hi @Youness_Atouani, please give some context. What is that? How did you deploy? Is this actually related with OpenVidu?

This is not an OpenVidu question…

I am using the OPENVIDU MVC JAVA project more than 2 months ago (in development) without problem but it did not work today, the program no longer enters (SESSIONCONTROLLER OR LOGINCONTROLLER)

Thank you

Sorry but, I can not guess things… There’s a lot of context missing, You’re using OPENVIDU MVC JAVA, ok, but how?, where? What is the probelem exactly? What is the exception? What instructions did you use to deploy? And you’re saying in development?

I don’t know, try to remove ~/.m2 maybe?

Just to see if I’m lucky…