My camera and audio has not working on real device Ionic capitor

Hi all, i have trouble with my apps vidcall with openvidu, on ionic capacitor, an access on web, its work. unfortunately is not working when simulate (compile) on android, i have setup all the permission like this :

but the camera not work,
for the information my spec ionic

Capacitor CLI : 3.5.0
capacitor/android : 3.5.0
capacitor/core : 3.5.0
capacitor/ios : not installed

Ionic CLI : 6.17.1
Ionic Framework : @ionic/angular 6.1.2
angular-devkit/build-angular : 13.2.6
angular-devkit/schematics : 13.2.6
angular/cli : 13.2.6
ionic/angular-toolkit : 6.1.0

i’m very confused, very appreciate for the answer…

Have you tried with our ionic capacitor sample? openvidu-ionic-capacitor - OpenVidu Docs