Mute Mic but not audio

I can mute the audio quite easily, and also turn the cam on and off, but i can’t find a way to mute the microphone and leave the audio running. Basically have 2 different buttons, one to mute the mic and one to mute the audio output but i’m not sure how to make the mic mute.

These are two different things.
One thing is mute/unmute your microphone (audio input) that it is related with WebRTC andt herefore with OpenVidu.

The second thing is mute/unmute your speaker. It is related with your device, here OpenVidu has nothing to do.

you can do it easily like this:

    const volume = document.querySelector("video").volume; // 1 

// Setting volume level
document.querySelector(“video”).volume = 0.0; // set volume between 0.0 to 1.0 ,0.0 is mute