Minimal version of react native

Hey guys!
My app, on android, crashes when I call: packages.add(new WebRTCModulePackage());

It seems to be problems compiling the WebRTCModule.

I’m using react-native 0.63.5 and openvidu-react-native-adapter-2.25.0, would it be problem with this version? Thanks!

Hi, I need a little bit more context.
Why are you trying to call packages.add(new WebRTCModulePackage()); ?

In the example tutorial, this class is imported in the android/app/src/main/java/com.openvidu_react_native/ file (import com.oney.WebRTCModule.WebRTCModulePackage;)
and in the List method is added:
packages.add(new WebRTCModulePackage());

So you mean that you are trying to run the official openvidu-react-native tutorial openvidu-react-native - OpenVidu Docs
and you are having problems with it?

The official tutorial works fine. The tutorial run 0.70.x version, but I use react-native 0.63.5,
so, I don’t know if the problems I’m having is a compatibility issue with the version.

You can compare older tutorial versions for checking if something has change. For example in 2.17.0 (2 years ago) the tutorial was using react-native 0.62.2. openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-react-native at v2.17.0 · OpenVidu/openvidu-tutorials · GitHub

I higlhy recommend keep your dependencies updated for security and bug fixes.