I finally solved the problem with publishVideo.
I have another problem and I have a question.
When doing joinRoom, receiveVideofrom works if there is another user’s video stream value in joinRoom response message.
But sometimes receiveVidofrom doesn’t work because other user’s video stream value is missing.
What is the cause?
Glad you resolved the problem with publishVideo RPC call. It would be great if you could explain what was exactly happening to you. I will update all of the entries you opened about that topic, which are quite a few. So if anybody encounters the same problem, they will have a proper answer:
About your new question. joinRoom RPC call brings the information of the already connected participants. If a user connects to the session and there is other user alreadt connected to it and it is publishing, the the result of the response for the second user will have a property like this (see OpenVidu Server RPC protocol - OpenVidu Docs):
"value": [
"createdAt": 1646820435398,
"id": "con_Ud1Rk3GbYu",
"metadata": "TestClient",
"streams": [
"audioActive": true,
"createdAt": 1646820436419,
"filter": {},
"frameRate": 30,
"hasAudio": true,
"hasVideo": true,
"id": "str_CAM_KDeZ_con_Ud1Rk3GbYu",
"typeOfVideo": "CAMERA",
"videoActive": true,
"videoDimensions": "{\"width\":640,\"height\":480}"
There will be no objects with Connections in that property if the user is the first one calling joinRoom.
That user will have to listen to participantJoined and participantPublished RPC events to know when other user has connected and has published.