publishVideo server RPC difference between v2.20.0 and v2.21.0

I’m using version 2.21.0 of openvidu.
Sending publishVideo as json is different from 2.20.0 and 2.21.0.
Do I need to set the order?

publishVideo - v2.20.0
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“method”: “publishVideo”,
“params”: {
“sdpOffer”: “v=0 … ssrc:1665235233 label:f320e350-b667-4765-87da-4ee4f595b9fe\r\n”,
“doLoopback”: false,
“hasAudio”: true,
“hasVideo”: true,
“audioActive”: true,
“videoActive”: true,
“typeOfVideo”: “CAMERA”,
“frameRate”: 30,
“videoDimensions”: “{“width”:640,“height”:480}”
“id”: 2

publishVideo - 2.21.0
“id”: 2,
“jsonrpc”: “2.0”,
“method”: “publishVideo”,
“params”: {
“audioActive”: true,
“doLoopback”: false,
“frameRate”: 30,
“hasAudio”: true,
“hasVideo”: true,
“sdpOffer”: “v=0\r\no=- 9136980301272336337 2 IN IP4 […] 0c97ae838dfa\r\n”,
“typeOfVideo”: “CAMERA”,
“videoActive”: true,
“videoDimensions”: “{“width”:640,“height”:480}”

The order of attributes is not relevant in JSON specifications.