It this a typo in the docs?


I’m trying to deploy the openvidu ce service along side my own application server (user management API for openvidu) and web server (serving the client application that the openvidu client is integrated into.

reading the following docs I’m a little confused about the configuration for my REST API and Webserver to make use of the Nginx proxy deployed with OpenVidu CE.

the docs read:

Installed natively :link:

Just take into account the following details:

  • Application must be server in plain http, without https.
  • Http port must be 5442. This port is used by the NGINX included in OpenVidu Platform.
  • OpenVidu platform URL has to be configured to http://localhost:**5443**
  • OpenVidu Secret has to be manually configured to the OPENVIDU_SECRET value you specify in the .env file.

should the port be configured to 5442 or 5443?

kind regards


It’s not a typo. OpenVidu deployments reverse proxy the port 5442. This port should be used by your application server and 5443 is used by OpenVidu API.

The proxy basically reverse proxy all request to / to the port 5442, while requests starting by /openvidu are just reverse proxied to 5443