Is there a way to unzip right after the session ends with INDIVIDUAL mode

When I make a session record with INVIDUAL mode, I get a zip file on KMS. But I have to extract that zip file to use some session information. So does Openvidu support any method to extract the zip file right away? Thanks for all the help!

I’m not sure I understand your question. OpenVidu is the one zipping the file. We want it to be zipped, not unzipped. So no, OpenVidu won’t unzip the zipped file on its own. INDIVIDUAL recording can have many files inside of it, and the only way to have them all packed in a single file ready to be downloaded is in a zip. You can unzip the file as you please. Using any unzipping command is pretty straightforward.

If I use COMPOSE mode, and after the conversation ends, on my KMS there is a folder, which has mp4 file recording that conversation and some other files. Similarly, I want to use INVIDUAL mode but after the conversation ends, I want to have a webm file, json file, etc. without having to unzip with other services. Can I set that up with OpenVidu?

You cannot. OpenVidu does not support INDIVIDUAL recording without zipping the files.

Yes. I got it.
Thanks so much!