I have an app using Ionic 5 and it works great on Android and browsers, like PWA.
Currently I was able to test successfully on Chrome (Mac / Windows, Android), Android (App & PWA), Safari (iPhone, Mac) but when validating the call on the ionic app on the iPhone the remote videos are not rendered.
Sometimes I get an answer like a black screen and sometimes a completely white screen, never the real video. The sound on the other hand works well and sending the audio / video signal from the iphone to other devices also works as expected.
iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone XS Max
iOS 14.4
AWS t2.large OpenVidu 2.16, I deployed the application using the AWS tutorial using CloudFormation.
To solve some problems I needed to install “webrtc-adapter”: “^ 7.7.0”, as the local video was not shown on the iphone.
I already have the ssl certificate integrated.
Photo demonstrating the problem: